The world is rapidly evolving, whether you like it or not, and whether you realize it or not. The landscape of doing business has changed. What was once profitable, no longer is. Things and opportunities that do not exist just a decade ago, now presents ample lucrative opportunities.
All around us, there are signs of the changes. It is just that most often, we are not aware of them, if they are not blatantly pointed out to us. If we are not aware of the changes and the revolutions, we will continue to plod on in our same old daily routine, caught up with the same old problems with the boss, the customers, office politics, gossip, traffic jams, and the usual money problems. The world will pass us by, without us even knowing it!
The one who is the master of change, is the master of his destiny. The ones who are set in their ways and continue doing things in the same old way, will soon become obsolete and extinct like dinosaurs! They will be left behind by the times.
Some people think that internet and social media is just a hype that will not last long and will just die out very soon. Let us not base our decisions on myths. Let us base it on some facts.
According to the World Internet Statistics, there are now 1.7 billion internet users in the world. Since the year 2000, the number of internet users have grown 380%, with 25.6% market penetration. This means that 25% of the world population is now online. In the next few years, this figure will reach at least 50%.
In Malaysia, it may come as a surprise to many that the Malaysia has one of the highest internet penetration in the world, with 65.7% of its population going online. It is fast catching up with America, which has over 74% of its population online. There are 16 million internet users in Malaysia.
The way of doing business is changing. Many traditional offline businesses are going to find that a huge percentage of their market share has be eaten up by online entrepreneurs. The internet gives the individual a level playing field with huge corporations, as it requires very little initial investment.
Individuals and companies are able to reach out globally with very little cost direct to their potential customers. With more and more people going online all around the world, it truly has opened up new horizons of opportunities for the business savvy. Companies such as Dell, Air Asia and Parkson has already tapped into this new opportunity. What about you?