Do you know how to use Social Media & Social Marketing for success in your business? You will when you read and use these 7 Universal Laws.
There are lots of differing opinions about how to be successful with Social Media and Social Marketing, and whether it is worth it at all. To that end, here are the 7 Universal Laws for Social Marketing Success & Profit.
The Law of Relationship – This Social Media thing is all based on relationship. Gone are the days when you could just throw up a website, get some traffic and make sales, all while hiding behind your computer. If those days were ever really here at all…Social marketing is based on the relationship you have with your followers, prospects and customers.
The Law of Connection – People are hungry for connection in all it’s forms. They are just as hungry to feel a part of something greater than themselves. This a very strong part of human nature.
The Law of 80/20 – I see people blow this one all the time and they don’t even know how much it is hurting them. On any Social Marketing site you want to be 80% social and 20% marketing. Remember, it is all about relationship and connection. Do the relationship and connection part, and you will be able to market in Social Media. Do it not, and you will be ignored.
The Law of Belief – There are still many people out there, some of them big name marketers who should know better, who say that they do not believe in Social Marketing. This is a case where it is sort of like gravity, it does not matter whether you believe in it or not for you to be effected by it.
The Law of Reach – If you want to extend your reach on the Internet, then Social Media is the place to be. By strategically using Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other Social Media sites you can greatly extend your reach so much farther than in traditional Internet Marketing.
The Law of Success – This arena is still very much the “wild west” and there is still time and room for you to be very successful at it in your niche. You can become a thought leader in your niche when you leverage Social Marketing properly.
The Law of Profit – There are those who still claim that you cannot profit in any way from Social Marketing or Social Media, much profit directly. I sure hope those folks continue to be my competition. And yours.