The Worst Fashion Combinations

The Worst Fashion Combinations

We have all had a look through the photo albums and often wondered what on earth we were thinking when we decided that floral jumper looked great with the leopard print leggings. Interestingly money doesn’t buy you style and it’s often celebrities that end up putting together some of the worst fashion combinations. Here are a few pointers to help you know what to avoid.

Just because it’s hot on the catwalk doesn’t mean it’s going to look good on you, remember many fashion designers about push boundaries and concept design.

Don’t mix denim with denim, it didn’t look good in the 80’s and it won’t look good now, look to combine denim skirts, jeans and jackets with other solid colors and if you have to wear darker denim washes, you don’t want to look like you are wearing a denim suit.

Don’t wear thongs with low slung jeans, for some reason the fad for airing next week’s laundry along really took off but with women of all shapes and sizes opting for the cheek and thong look it’s was never going to stay. If you are going to wear low slung jeans there are plenty of panties that are designed to keep things under wraps and hide a VPL.

Furthermore never show both your cleavage and legs at the same time. Short skirts and low cut tops don’t look classy so pick an outfit that compliments one of these areas.

You might like Chanel, Gucci and Dior an awful lot, but there’s no need to turn into a walking billboard for them. Overdoing label combinations just looks a little silly and is the ultimate fashion faux pas.

Don’t dress in the same color from top to toe. Nowadays it’s considered fashionable to cleverly combine shoes belts and bags without them having to be all the same color. Checking out color charts and fashion trends will help you learn how to match colors that initially may not seem like an obvious choice. Remember green and red on ever look good on a Christmas tree. Additionally don’t match your makeup or hair accessories with your outfit.

Don’t mix prints and patterns unless you really understand how to do it, although considered edgy getting it wrong can have disastrous consequences. If you are going to wear leopard or zebra print make sure you match them with solid colors, you don’t want to look like something that’s going to be seen in the wilds.

Men and women alike, don’t wear flip flops or shorts to the office, beachwear means just that. You wouldn’t wear a necktie and cufflinks to the beach so reserve the casual clothes for your next vacation. And while you are at the beach don’t wear Speedos, David Beckham can get away with it but men with a middle aged spread can’t.

Men, don’t wear socks with your sandals especially not neon ones! If you don’t like your toes book yourself in for a pedicure. Even worse don’t tuck your trousers into your socks unless you are about to ride a bike or wade through a deep puddle.

Unless you are attending a tribute evening to the late great Michael Jackson don’t wear black shoes and white socks. The King of Pop’s sweet moves meant he could carry this look off and unless you’re about to do the moonwalk to work. Keep the white socks next to your trainers.

For some unknown reason some men believe that novelty ties and cufflinks are a great way to show of their sense of humor. However neckties with cartoon characters and tacky heavily jeweled cufflinks can send out the wrong message. Stick to refined tie and cufflink combinations.

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